You have heard it repeatedly: physical exercise and activity are great for you, and you should strive to make them a part of your daily routine. Ongoing research proves the critical health benefits of physical exercise for seniors, which will become more important as we grow older. In addition, routine physical exercise and activity for elderly individuals help improve physical and mental health, both of which will help you hold onto your independence as you grow older. Below, Optimum Personal Care outlines 5 benefits of physical exercise for seniors.


Prevents Disease

Research has proven that maintaining consistent physical activity will help prevent several common diseases, like diabetes and heart disease. In addition, exercise will improve overall immune function, which is crucial for older adults as their immune systems often are compromised. So even light activity, like walking, may be a powerful tool for preventing diseases.


 Improves Mental Health

The mental health advantages of exercise are almost endless. For example, exercise generates endorphins (“feel good” hormones) that act as stress relievers and leave you satisfied and happy. Also, the practice has been connected with improving sleep, which is particularly important for seniors who frequently experience insomnia and disrupted sleep cycles.


Decrease Slip and Fall Risk

Seniors are at a greater risk of falls, which may be disastrous for maintaining their independence. Exercise will improve flexibility and strength, which additionally helps improve coordination and balance, decreasing the risk of falls. Elderly individuals take a lot longer to recover from slips and falls; therefore, anything which assists in avoiding them in the first place is essential.


Social Interaction

Whether you join a walking group, attend group fitness classes or participate in a gardening club, exercise may be done in an exciting social event. Keeping solid social ties is vital for seniors so they can feel a sense of purpose and avoid feelings of depression or loneliness. And above everything else. The key includes finding a type of exercise you enjoy, and it’ll never feel like a daunting chore again.


Improves Cognitive Function

Fine-tuned motor skills and routine physical activity benefit cognitive function. In addition, continuous research suggests a decreased risk of dementia for physically active individuals, irrespective of when they start a routine.


 In Summary

Exercise is great for you; it is simply a matter of making it a top habit and priority in your day-to-day life. Within the aging population, exercise has been proven to lower the risk of falls, prevent disease, strengthen social ties, improve mental well-being and health, and improve cognitive function. Optimum Personal Care hopes this will inspire you to integrate exercise into your life regardless of age.


Optimum Personal Care offers physical activities to its residents; physical activities such as exercise classes, balloon toss, kickball, and massage therapy.